How to Draw Pugsley Addams

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Make the shapes for the guides and then the facial guidelines.


Use the guides to draw in Pugsley's face and head shape and then incorporate the hairstyle.


Finish the hairstyle and then add a line for texture in his hair.


We will work on drawing Pugsley's face starting with the large eyes, then draw in his expressive eyebrows. When that is done draw the nose and mouth then add some eye bags underneath.


Almost done. We will draw Pugsley's torso which is a tee shirt and then his arms. that's all.


Finish him up by drawing the strips on his shirt, almost like how his father Gomez has a striped suit, Pugsley has a striped shirt. Erase the mistakes and then you are done.


Color Pugsley in and and now you have lessons on all the Addams family characters. I hope you enjoyed them all.

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March 11, 2019

Description: Okay people. Here is the last lesson of the day and almost the last of the Addams. I still have to make a tut on Grandma Addams because she is a big part of the Addams family as well. Up next and lastly we will learn how to draw Pugsley Addams, step by step. Even though I used to watch the series and the movies, I never really got into Pugsley's character. I don't know if it's because he was kind of elusive in the films and series, or if his character wasn't interesting enough. I don't know what the problem was, I mean I definitely knew he was there, just not as prominent as the other Addams Family members. Anyways, this lesson on drawing Pugsley Addams is the first on Dragoart. I have never made him before so if you have been waiting for lessons that show you how to draw all the Addams Family members, here they are. I will be back with other lessons so don't stray too far away.

#how to draw the addams family #draw the addams family characters

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