How to Draw Morticia Addams

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A pretty simple lesson. Start with the oblong guide shape for her head guide and then draw out the guidelines for the body.


Morticia has a very refined shaped face that is thin and kind of bony. You will draw out the actual shape of her long slender face and then incorporate the hair part at the top of her head.


This is my favorite part of the lesson because I think she has such a beautiful face and I enjoyed drawing Morticia's face. Start with her perfectly shaped eyebrows that rest high on her head. When they are done you can color them in. Next, draw the    


This is also a very simple step. All you have to do here is draw the long straight hair which rests on her shoulders and at the ends sort of turns into wavy strands.


Now we will draw in her very thin body. Start with the left shoulder then draw in her skinny arm shape. Once that is done you can draw in the lining to form the top or shirt, then draw in the chest and cleavage.


Repeat the exact same task as you just completed in step five. When you are done drawing Morticia Addams, you can erase the mistakes and any visible guides.


That's it. You are all done. Now have fun coloring in Morticia Addams from the Addams Family 2019. I hope you enjoyed the tutorial folks.

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March 11, 2019

Description: Okay guys. I know I have a lesson on Morticia Addams already, but I don't have one on what she will look like in the feature film set to release in theaters October 2019. So in light of that, here is how to draw Morticia Addams, step by step from The Addams Family. She is the lady of the house and often tries to keep Gomez in line by not letting him do anything TOO crazy, but even so the Addams are a family that don't feel their life is complete unless they are living their lives over the edge. I love how this version of Morticia came out. She is dark, lanky and beautiful. So much like the original Morticia Addams from the very first airing of this character. Oh, by the way, Morticia's character will be voice acted by Charlize Theron. Anyways, have fun with the tut and I will return with the rest of the macabre clan.

#how to draw the addams family #draw the addams family characters

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