How to Draw the Moon
It is very important when drawing the Moon to have a basic idea of the major landmark. The dark areas of the Moon are called "maria" plural or "mare" singular. I've gone ahead an highlighted a few of the main ones in blue. The areas highlighted in or
Start out by picking your materials. I used a 9B pencil for my dark shading but any B pencil should work. An H pencil was used for light shading. I also used a compass to draw my initial circle. If you don't have a compass use something like a round
Use the same paper towel or cloth from the previous steps and blend the remaining graphite onto the Moon. Then take an eraser and roughly divide the Moon into quadrants.
Build up the sky shading using a 9B pencil. Do not use a blending stump to smooth your shading anymore. Rely on crosshatching to make your shading even. Use an H pencil to outline the landmasses in more detail.
Smooth out your background sky shading with a 9B pencil. Make sure your outline is crisp and clean. Use an H pencil to shade in details on the Moon. Shade lightly on the light spots and with more pressure on the mares. Try to make your shading rough
Start work on Tycho's quadrant. Erase in rays spreading out from the Tycho crater when you define the land masses.
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April 13, 2012
Description: This is a tutorial on how to draw the Earth's moon, Luna. I've drawn the Moon in a couple of tutorials before but never in much detail. This tutorial should help you draw moons that are more than just white circles in the night sky.