How to Draw Manga Eyes


First things first, you will need to know what parts of the eye that you will actually be drawing. There are both the upper and lower lids. There is the iris and the pupil in the middle. You will also be adding in highlights to your eye and possibly    


Eyes are placed towards the vertical center of the face and in manga and anime, will normally take up a good portion of the face. The tips of the mouth should come to somewhere between just inside the eye, or the center, (though in some cases, such a   


Shojo eyes will have lots of little details such as delicate lashes and lots of little highlights. They are also quite large and very expressive. Shonen eyes are simple and bold with very few details such as creases from different facial expressions    


You can use the same shapes in both types to create eyes. With just a few differences between the two, you can have completely different styles.


Now that I've given you what you need to know, we're going into the application phase of this tutorial. We're going to do a quick egg shape for the head with lines mapping out the center of the face. We'll draw a line coming down to show the neck and   


We'll sketch in the actual shape of the face first, only worrying about the cheeks and chin. Also go ahead and draw in the neck as well.


Now we'll draw the lids. I'm doing Shojo eyes, but if you'd like to do shonen, you can, just make sure you make all your lines bolder.


Irises and pupils come in next. You don't have to close off the lines for the irises, you can leave them open because they will be defined more when shading and/or coloring.


Now we'll add some more features to the face. A cute little mouth, some lower lashes and some eyebrows.


Now Some hair. Drawing quick short lines down and in towards the face is a quick way to draw a short hair do. Once again, the lines don't have to be closed off here, you can define it more with colors and shading.


Going to give her some clothes, I'm giving her a school uniform.


Now we can do all the finer details. You will want to add hatching (or shading if you prefer) to the irises of the eyes. Some quick hatches of the cheeks will give her rosy looking cheeks. Also hatching under the chin and along the inside of the blou   


Then highlights! You can do this by erasing or using white out or if you're drawing on the computer you can just use the eraser tool if you so wish.


Tada! You drew some spectacular Manga eyes! Now wasn't that pretty easy?

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March 11, 2013

Description: I have a super super cute little manga tutorial for you today. Today I have a tutorial on drawing manga eyes. I'll show you a couple differences, a few examples and just some basics that you should know, And then we'll get to work on drawing a whole face, eyes included, so you know how to work them into your pictures.

#how to draw manga
1 - Super Cool
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