How To Draw Michael Jordan


Since we'll be drawing a full body shot Jordan, we should first get a good look at his face so we know what he looks like. Here's a quick sketch of Jordan's face.


To draw Michael Jordan, we should first sketch in some basic guide line. Using a 2H or harder pencil, lightly sketch in a stick figure shape such as this one. These lines do not have to be perfect, since they will be erased later on. He should be jum   


Let's expand upon the guide lines by drawing the basic construction shapes of the figure. You do not need to include details such as facial feature or fingers, but do draw the dividing lines of the face. MJ is a super tall basketball player, so he sh   


Now that the guide lines are in place, we should start with drawing his face. Use your guide lines to help place the eye, nose, and mouth. It's a side view, so we'll only be able to see one eye, and don't forget to draw the eyebrow. To make things mo   


Next, draw the contours of his head and jaw. He has a shaved head so it should be perfect smooth and rounded. Also draw the ear which, at this angle, should be roughly in line with the nose. Since the mouth is wide open, it's causing a lot of the fle   


Draw his neck. The back of the neck should be directly in line with his ear, and the front of his neck should be in line with his eye. Notice how the lines of the neck are not straight up and down, but they curve back slightly. Draw thick, diagonal n   


It's best to draw his left arm prior to his torso. It should be perfectly straight, but pointing downward at an angle. He should have a very large shoulder muscle. The rest of his arm muscles should be well defined, but not huge. Think lean. Also dra   


Draw his left hand. The fingers should be pressed together and the hand should be pointing downwards. We should not see the thumb from this angle.


Now we can go back and draw the torso. Basketball players wear loose, sleeveless jerseys. Have the flap of the left shoulder flipped back in the wind a back a bit so as to give the image movement. Draw a diagonal line across the waist for the top of    


Draw the right arm bent upwards at a 90 degree angle. Remember, when drawing his muscles, think lean. Most of his hand will be covered by a basketball, but we should be able to see his thumb pointing in our direction.


Draw the basketball in his right hand. It should be slightly larger than his head. If you have one, use a compass or circular ellipse tool to help you. A basketball is made in sections, creating a pattern similar to a baseball. Take a close look at t   


Go back to the body and draw the shorts. They, too, should be loose and baggy, ending just above the knees. Draw plenty of creases in the fabric. Also draw a V shaped cutout along the bottom edge. Draw the waistband around his waist, which should be    


Draw the left leg first. It should be bent back, trailing behind the body. Draw a large leg band wrapped around the calve of the leg, as well as a curved line above the ankle for the edge of the sock.


He should be wearing low top sneakers with a thick sole on the heel for shock absorption. You don't need to put a lot of detail into the shoe, since it will mostly be blacked out after we ink.


Draw the visible portion of the right leg. Notice how the foot does not trail as far back as the left foot. Be sure to draw the toe of the shoe below the ankle of the left leg.


As a final step in the penciling process, draw the trim and emblems on his uniform. He should have trim encircling each opening of the uniform, as well as around the waistband. Draw a diamond shape at the bottom of the shorts with the small Bulls log   


Now that we are done penciling the image, we can ink it using a Micron marker or a brush and India ink. Carefully go over each line with patience and be sure not to accidentally ink any unneeded guide lines. If you have one, use a circular ellipse to   


You can add more depth to the image by giving it shadow. Establish your light source and use black ink or a fat tipped black marker to shade the underside of the face, arms, and some of the folds on the uniform. Don't add too much shadow, since baske   


If you need to make any corrections, use white ink or opaque white paint. You can also use it to add highlights if needed. And that’s how you draw MJ! Slam dunk, my friends!

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June 11, 2013

Description: Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player to ever play the game. Also the star actor of Space Jam! Learn how to draw #23 in a comic book style!

#how to draw basketball players #how to draw basketball

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