Start out by picking your pencils. I used an HB for sketching/shading, 2H for light lines/shading, F for lines, and B for dark lines and shading. I also used pencils softer than B (4B, 5B) for darker shading.
Your sketch should look something like this. Try to erase away the guidelines that you no longer need.
Now using a B or F pencil outline the bat. Make the lines dark but don't apply them too strongly, they should still be erasable. Also sketch in your background if you want one.
I like developing my background at the same time as my foreground. Here I've defined some mountains in the background using HB and 4B pencils.
I went ahead and developed the background a bit more. You can use an HB pencil and a blending stump for the sky.
Try to work on the wings section by section. Start out by defining the outline using an F or B pencil.
Now shade in the wings using a 3H (or any H pencil) for the light shading and an F pencil for the dark shading.
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October 20, 2011
Description: Hey everyone, here's a tutorial on how to draw everyone's favorite flying mammal, the bat. I tried to give the bat sketch drawing a bit of an eerie touch since Halloween is just around the corner. Get your materials ready!