I decided to do my final pre-sketch using brush and ink just because it is more convenient for me. I used this step to finalize the appearance of my characters and roughly plan out my shading. It helps to have an idea of where your drawing might go b
Pick your pencils before you start drawing. I used H for sketching, 2H for light lines/shading, F for dark lines/shading, and 3B for the darkest shading.
I started out with my female character. Start out by drawing a basic sketch of the head. Get a basic idea of facial features and leave out the hair for now.
Use 2H and H pencils to roughly add shading to the face. Then Use a blending stump to blend in your shading.
Now roughly shade in the hair and background. Use a blending stump to blend in your shading again.
Start adding detail to the drawing starting with the face. Use The 2H pencil on the skin. Use an F pencil for the darker lines. Shade in the bangs using mainly an F pencil.
Finish up the drawing by going over the details again. This is where I used a 3B pencil to darken my shading in places where my F pencil just wasn't cutting it. That's an example of a female character, now let's move on to a male one.
Start defining your shading by starting with the face. Use F and 3B for dark shading and H and 2H pencils for lighter shading. Start defining the hair as well.
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December 3, 2011
Description: Hey everyone, here's a tutorial on how to go about drawing character faces realistically. This is how I go about building character portraits from scratch. Get your pencils and paper ready!