How to Draw Mikasa Easy


Start off with a circle for the head, then add the facial guidelines.


Here you will sketch out the lower portion of her face. As you can see the tip explains how the lining attached to the face.


At the ends of the face shape you just made, draw in her hairline which will also frame the face. Add a thick chunk of bang that falls on her forehead.


Draw in the nose and mouth in a very easy manner like you see here.


Begin the drawing process for the eyes. The actual eyelids should be thick and bold with some small lashes. Add the thin eyebrows and then crease for each eye.


Draw the shapes of each eyeball like so, then make a small lower lid line and attach some lashes.


For the last drawing step simply draw the shape of the head which is also Mikasa's hairstyle. Notice how some of her hair feathers away from the face. Erase the guidelines and shapes that you made in step one.


That's it, you are all done with drawing Mikasa easy. Color her in and show off your work.

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May 3, 2014

Description: This is another character that I will be giving you a lesson on from the Attack on Titan series. Up next, we will be learning "how to draw Mikasa easy", step by step. She is the adopted sister to Eren, and she is a very serious, no nonsense type of gal. In this form she where you can see her face really well, you can see that her eyes are a very pretty shade. I watched some of Attack on Titan and even though it was all in Japanese, it still seemed pretty interesting. I hope you like this lesson on drawing Mikasa easy because I know I did. Also, I've included some tips to help make your drawing experience that much easier.

#how to draw attack on titan #how to draw attack on titan characters
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