How to Draw a Rainbow Dash Skull
Draw a circle for the head, then draw the shape of the jaw. Sketch in the facial guidelines then move to step two.
Begin sketching out the shape or structure of Rainbow Dash's skull. Notice how the upper jaw is roughly lined for the grooves from the teeth.
You will now draw the large shaped eyes, then draw the boyish mane style which is like long bangs.
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July 20, 2013
Description: Okay, here is the last lesson as far as skull characters go and it is going to be fun. Here is "how to draw Rainbow Dash's skull", step by step. This is a really cool version of Rainbow Dash because even though she is in skull form, she still looks like herself. The rainbow colored mane really brings this skull to life. If you happen to be a big Rainbow Dash or My Little Pony fan you will really like this tutorial on drawing Rainbow Dash's skull. When I return there will be other tuts that are equally, or better than these character skulls.