How to Draw Panthers, Black Panthers

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A black panther is a melanistic color variant of leopards (African) and jaguars (American). In the image you can see the differences between these two big cats. The leopard is smaller and agile and it has a very long tail. The jaguar is bigger an   


Let's start drawing a full body side viewed leopard. Draw the guide lines. Try to draw these guides accurately, as your future advances will depend on them. These guidelines play as a role of a foundation. You don't have to draw the lines perfectly   


Draw the head and the neck. Remember: small ears and quite flat cranium.


Draw the short and muscular forelegs with big, round shaped paws. Try not to create 'cartoony' paws which are a lot more boxier. Realistic big cats have flat yet bulky paws which flatten depending on certain surfaces.


Draw the rest of the body: fluffy belly, back, hind legs and long tail. Because we're drawing a realistic panther, the body's going to be slightly longer, with longer legs. Notice how the arch of the back leg isn't as prominent as a cartoon style.


Add eyes, nose, mouth, details into the ears and fix the form of the head.


Add whiskers, fur, muscles and other details and you're done! Use thin lines for the defining details, you don't want to use bulky lines or it will take away from the outer lines.


Now let's examine closer the eyes of the panther. 1) Draw the form of the eye and add the base color. 2) Paint a blue circle in the center of the eye and then add a green ring. 3) Add some darker tones of brown and then add a little bit of bright yel   


Panthers have big, round paws with retractable claws that they use to climb trees and latch onto prey. Try to reference photos of these big animals to get ideas on different poses of paws.


Now let's draw a sitting leopard. Draw the guide lines.


Draw the head and part of the neck.


Draw back, chest and forelegs. Notice the muscle definition of the forelegs. Big cats have powerful muscles to aid them throughout the wilderness. Look up various references of panthers and observe how the muscles contract with each movement these bi   


Draw belly, hind legs and tail. Usually, a resting panther will curl their tails once in a while. Don't forget to add the bits of fleshy fur overlapping the feet of the panther.


Add eyes, nose and mouth. Again, use thin lines for details such as these.


Add the last details: detail into the ears, whiskers, fur and muscles. I hope you guys enjoyed this addition of my tutorial on 'how to draw panthers'! Thanks for viewing and let me know how you did in the comments.

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February 25, 2018

Description: Tutorial about black panthers, leopards and jaguars. You will find two full bodies (one standing and one sitting), paws and claws and how to paint a realistic panther eye. I hope you will find this useful!

#how to draw panthers #how to draw felines #how to draw wildcats #how to draw big cats #draw step by step

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