Tribal Chief Drawing Lesson

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Let us begin with just a simple head/face guide shape like so. When that is done sketch in the facial guidelines.


Using that shape you just made, begin to sketch out the actual facial structure for your Tribal Chief's face shape. This should include the long low hanging frown lines which you will see later, and the hairline as well. You will also incorporate the   


This is an old, wise Chief so let us show his age by adding those facial detailing lines on the forehead, under the eyes and along the nose. You might want to draw the straight broad nose in first before adding the frown lines. Once that mouth is dra   


We will now take our time drawing out the large ears. His ears are large because all old people loose elasticity when they age and because of this facial features seem enlarged. Detail the ears and add the earrings or piercings.


We will now draw in the Tribal Chief's long hair. It's not supposed to look full, it's just supposed to have a wispy look and feel.


We will now draw the fluff from the coat collar which is obviously made from buffalo hide. Once that is done draw the shoulders and sides of the arms.


Finish your Tribal Chief off by drawing in his tooth necklace that he wears around his neck. This is to represent a victory from fighting an animal. Erase the mistakes and all the guides too.


You are now ready to color in your Tribal Chief. Do so using interesting, dramatic colors to intensify the character in the picture.

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June 21, 2016

Description: Hey guys. Well, as you know I love creating new concept art and today I have one for you all. Some may like it and some may hate it. It all depends on the type of art you like and what you like to draw. I felt inspired to do something different and cool so I let my mind take over while my hand did all the work. Here is what I like to call how to draw a tribal Chief, step by step. One thing is certain, there are all different types of cultural tribes, but one thing does remain the same. They all have some form of Chief that other tribes people turn to for answers, and whatever else may be put to order by the Chief of any tribe. This came out so amazing. It's one of my favorite pieces and I really do hope that most of you enjoy this concept because I worked hard on it. I would live to hear some feedback from some of ya'll, so why not leave some. Thanks guys and happy drawing.

#how to draw native americans #how to draw chiefs

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