How To Draw Wayne Gretzky

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Since we'll be drawing a full body shot of the legendary Wayne Gretzky, we should first get a good look at his face. Here is a quick head sketch for reference.


To draw Wayne Gretzky, we should first sketch in some basic guide line. Using a 2H or harder pencil, lightly sketch in a stick figure shape such as this one. These lines do not have to be perfect, since they will be erased later on. He should be hunc   


Let's work on his face first. Use the above headshot for reference. His head should be tilted down slightly, but his eye should be looking straight ahead. He has very light and thin eyebrows which are virtually indistinguishable from this distance. H   


Now draw the contours of his face and jaw line, as well as his right ear. He has a long chin, creating a long, smooth jaw line. His ear should rest slightly high on the head from this angle, the middle of which should align with his eyes.


Hockey players would be killed on the ice without their helmets. His helmet only covers his cranium and has 2 rows of square shaped ventilation holes around the top. Be sure to draw the strap that wraps beneath his chin.


Draw his massive shoulders, which appear large due to the amount of protective padding underneath the shirt. The left shoulder should be pointing towards the ground, and the right shoulder should be pointing upwards. Draw numerous creases in the fabr   


Now draw his arms. The left arm should be stretched towards the ground, and the right arm should be bent so that the elbow is pointing away from the body. The shirts worn by hockey players are very large and loose to allow for all the needed padding    


Draw his massive hockey gloves. These things are huge so as to provide adequate protection from opponent's hockey sticks hitting the hands. The gloves are made in multiple section of padding. The largest section of padding should wrap around the wris   


Draw his long hockey stick in his hands, reaching down to the ice. It should extend towards us, well below the location of his feet. The handle is long and straight, but it curves sharply and widens as the end.


Go back to his upper body and draw his shirt. It should hang loosely in the front, but it should wrap high up on his waist with is far up his body from this perspective, since he is hunched over. His waist should almost be as high up as his left shou   


Draw his left leg, which should be perfectly straight and coming towards us. The leg should appear thick due to the padding. Sections of padding should wrap around the knee and angle.


Now draw his ice skate on his left foot. The shoe part should resemble a basic tennis shoes with laces crisscrossing over the top. Draw a couple laces blowing to the side. The metal skate beneath the shoe should be several inches tall and rounded on    


Draw his right leg trailing behind him. We should not see much of the leg, but we should be able to see the entire upper part of his skate.


Finally, go back to the entire figure and draw the emblems and trim that decorate the uniform. He has stripes wrapping around different parts of the uniform. He also has his number, 99, on his upper sleeves and at the top of his gloves. The words "Oi   


Now that we are done penciling the image, we can ink it using a Micron marker or a brush and India ink. Carefully go over each line with patience and be sure not to accidentally ink any unneeded guide lines. Use a ruler to help ink the hockey stick.    


You can add more depth to the image by giving it shadow. Establish your light source and use black ink or a fat tipped black marker to shade the alongside thick creases and parts of the face. Since his uniform is mostly a dark blue color, the front o   


If you need to make any corrections, use white ink or opaque white paint. You can also use it to add highlights if needed. And that's how you draw the one and only Wayne Gretzky! Nice work, hockey fan!

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June 14, 2013

Description: Number 99, Wayne Gretzky. Has there ever been a better hockey player? Learn how to draw the iconic athlete in a comic book style in his Edmonton Oilers uniform.

#how to draw hockey #how to draw hockey players

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