How to Draw Tac Nayn, Tac Nayn

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Make an egg shape for the head, and then add the facial guides.


Begin sketching or drawing out the shape of Tac's head and kitty appearance. This should include the ears, and eyebrows.


Next, draw out the eyes, and color them is as well. Once that is done you can draw the triangle shaped nose, and make the mouth lines with two teeth sticking out.


Draw out the square shaped body, and then draw in the front legs.


Draw out the back legs and then make a tail. Erase the guides on the face and then if you want you can draw in some uneven squares on its waffle body to complete Tac Nayn off.


Well guys, as you can see you finished drawing Tac Nayn, and if you followed the lesson correctly, you did a great job. All you have to do now is color in your drawing and add some floating skulls around the background.

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August 4, 2011

Description: If I’m going to do a tutorial on the Pop Tart cat or Nyan Cat, I might as well go ahead and fill a request to make a lesson on "how to draw Tac Nayn", step by step. For those of you who know or are familiar with Tac Nayn, you should know that this is the official enemy of Nyan Cat. Instead of a Pop tart body, this kitty has a waffle. Instead of being a bright colored cat, this feline is all black. The red piercing eyes and the horrible expression on its face makes it certain that this kitty is nothing nice. Tac Nayn is often seen flying with a bunch of skulls around which I think is supposed to signify being bad or evil. This lesson is going to be very similar to drawing Nyan Cat, the only difference is you will be making some squares on the body instead of sprinkles. That’s about it guys, this meme is waiting for you to get busy as you learn the ropes on "how to draw Tac Nayn". As always have fun, and stay creative with each passing day!

#how to draw memes #how to draw a meme

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