How to Draw Rarity and Spike


Start the first step by drawing the head and snout shape like so for Spike.


Once the outline for Spike is done, you can begin drawing the outline for the head shape of Rarity.


Next, draw the large eye shapes starting with the brows. Then you can add the shapes of the eyes and some lashes too.


Add the stripes on Rarity's unicorn horn, then add the blush marks, mouths and nose. When that is done you will add the indent details on the face.


Finish drawing Spike's body, then draw in the frill on the side of his head. For Rarity you will have to draw her chest, and front leg.


Add the lining on the neck and chest then draw in one of Spikes arm.


You are almost done. Draw Rarity's mane, then add some curl and bounce. Draw the back line and add detailing to her mane.


Add more detailing to Rarity's hair or mane like so, then you are done with her.


For the last step, all you have to do is draw in Spike's spike or strip of hair. When that is done you can erase all the mistakes and guides.


Here is the line art when you are all done. Now you can color in both Rarity and Spike.

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April 9, 2014

Description: If you are not having fun with the anime anthro girl that I uploaded earlier, here is two characters from MLP that I know a lot of you folks will love. Up next we will learn "how to draw Rarity and Spike", step by step. Spike is the cute purple colored dragon that hangs out with the ponies on a daily basis. More often then not Spike hangs out with Rarity the most. I think this is an incredibly cute drawing of the two My Little Pony characters, hopefully you have fun with this drawing too.

#dragon drawing #how to draw my little pony characters #dragon drawings
1 - Super Cool
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