How to Draw Hecarim from League of Legends


Make the basic shape of the body and scythe , then move on to drawing the outline of the head and shoulders .


Draw the arms and details on his chest. Then move on to the scythe.


Now make the front legs , the book and the piece of cloth above it. Then finish with the back legs .


Now onto the fun stuff. But first, you'll need a few layers, two actually .Begin with a very light one, it's purpose is to give you an idea of how the whole drawing will look like . It also makes it easier to add details later.


The second layers is darker only in some parts. You don't have to darken all the areas as in the first layer .


Since this is made after the concept art, it's not very realistic, and it's not supposed to be. You only need to do some basic shading . Star with the head and shoulders . The layers will make this a lot easier .


Go move to the arms now. You'll need a sharp pencil for the claws .


Make the darker parts on the scythe .


Now draw the rest of it plus a few details, like the chains on it. The chain is made out of rings so I don't think it's necessary to explain too much .


Now make the details on his chest and also the ones on the piece of cloth . On the book there is a skull, but only half of it is visible, barely .


Now shade the book.


Begin shading the front legs. There is a white zone on the base of the hooves , makes sure you outline it so you don't draw over it .


Now finish the legs. You can really notice the white parts on the hooves .


Now make the darker part of the back legs, along with the cloth on his ....back.


Finish shading the legs as I did. You're done, not really, there is a background that needs to be done .


Using graphite powder and a piece of cotton , smudge the paper in the places I did.


Make the clouds and the tail using an eraser. Erasers work very well on a surface smudged with graphite.


Use an 8B pencil and draw a few trees . You're done !

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March 17, 2014

Description: Hello League of Legends players ! As most of you know, League of legends in one of the most popular online games at the moment, with millions of players of all ages worldwide. The game features a bunch of playable characters or champions as they are called in game , and the one I'm going to show you today is Hecarim. I'm sure you've all tried playing with him or have seen someone play with him in a match .This one of the first champions I played with, even thought I don't play anymore, I still think he's badass .Hope you have fun with this tutorial.

#how to draw league of legends characters #how to draw league of legends

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