How to Draw Chibi Disgust


Start off with three shapes, one for the head another for the body and one more for her dress. Sketch in the facial guidelines too.


We will now draw the shapes of chibi Disgust's eyes like so. They should be big, serious, and thick lined.


Disgust has these thick, chunky eyelashes so draw those in next to finish her eyes, and then make the nose and mouth.


Define the shape of her face and then start the hairline for her hairstyle.


Okay, the head and face will be finished once you have finished drawing her head. The hair should slightly curl at the bottom.


Start with the body and draw the scarf around her neck, then draw in the shoulders, arms and torso. Don't forget to add the lining to create the design of her dress top.


Lastly, finish the dress and then draw in her legs and chibi feet. Erase those guidelines and shapes you made in step one as well as the mistakes too.


You are now ready to color in this chibi version of Disgust from Inside Out. I hope you had fun people!

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July 29, 2015

Description: Before I get to the more serious tuts, I wanted to finally get this lesson uploaded on how to draw chibi Disgust from Inside Out. This was a requested lesson from a member who left a comment on one of my other tuts. I meant for this lesson to be uploaded a lot sooner, but I forgot to make steps for it and I got side tracked before I remembered to do them. Anyways, I guess Disgust is a popular character or thought in the film. My baby sister seen the movie Inside Out and she said it was awesome. If you look in the Top 50, you should see the regular lesson of drawing Disgust, but if you don't you can find it in the related section off to the right of this lesson. Anyways I hope you like this chibi version of Disgust, it was fun to make.

#how to draw inside out #how to draw inside out characters
1 - Super Cool
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