How to Draw Butch from Rowdyruff Boys
Draw in the shape of the face along with the shape of the head. The head shape is just the long spiky hair chunks like you see drawn for you here.
We will now draw in the hair line which is low on his brow. Add the sides of his hair as well and be sure to place a part in the hair.
Up next we will draw in the face. Start with the brows, eyeballs and then his mean expressive mouth.
We will tackle the task of drawing his body. Draw the arms, body and legs. Add the sleeve lines too.
Finish the lesson off by drawing the stripes for the shirt and then the design for the pants. Erase whatever mistakes you might have made as well.
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February 21, 2015
Description: We will finish off the Rowdyruff Boys by drawing the last of the gang. Here is how to draw Butch, step by step. Butch is the male equivalent to Buttercup and as you can see he is all green just like her color scheme. Butch is a rough and tough boy that takes no nonsense from anyone. He has black spiky hair and always seem to have a mean expression on his face. Out of all three Rowdyruff Boys, he will probably be the easiest to replicate, but that's just my opinion. Anyways, go ahead and have some good fun. I will return with other tuts that you will enjoy so don't stray far away because I don't want you guys to miss out on the action.