How to Draw an Easter Rabbit

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Okay guys, the first thing you need to do is draw the shape of the head/face like you see here. When that is done you can draw in the tuft of hair on top of the bunny's head.


Next, carefully draw in the bunny's eyes and then draw the cute little nose. Once that is done you can go ahead and draw the whiskers, teeth, eyebrows and crinkle on nose.


Now we will draw in the large shape of the ears which also look very puffy or thick. Add the skin inside the ear as well.


Up next, draw in the belly shape and the first leg and foot. Add the toe lines and then proceed to step five.


Up next, you will draw in the other leg and foot, then draw in the arms and hands.


Here you will make the tail, and the lining on the belly. Draw in the carrot and add detailing to the carrot.


For the final drawing step all you have to do is draw in the Easter eggs and then decorate them any way you like. Erase the mistakes and all the guides then you can proceed to see how your line art should look.


That's it, you are all done. Now you can have fun decorating this bunny for Easter.

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March 30, 2018

Description: Hello everyone, welcome back to another fun filled lesson here on Dragoart. Today I will be taking a festive approach by showing you all how to draw an Easter rabbit, step by step with eggs and all. This rabbit is super cute. He has a friendly face and is pink in color. But, you can definitely color in your Easter rabbit any shade you like because there is no wrong way to color your rabbit when it comes to Easter. If you didn't know, Easter falls on Sunday, April 1st, 2018. Pretty crazy how we celebrate the holy holiday on April Fools day. Anyways, I hope you have fun, and I also hope you have a very nice Easter holiday.

#how to draw rabbits #how to draw bunnies #how to draw easter bunnies #how to draw easter rabbits

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