How to Draw a Bridge

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To start this lesson on how to draw a bridge you will need to draw some guidelines and shapes. Draw an arched rectangular shape and then draw a dividing line along the side. You will then draw four vertical board lines as well for the railing of the    


In this step you will start sketching out the 2x4 wood boards for the hand railing and side support. Once the vertical boards are drawn, you can then sketch out the flat looking hand rails as you see here.


Next draw or thicken the guidelines you drew for the arched shape of the walkway of the bridge as you see here. See pretty easy so far right?


You will now draw the lines on the walkway that individualizes each piece of wood used to make this small wooden bridge that you are drawing now. Once that is done you will draw out the actual shape of the support railing as you see facing you now. S   


For your last drawing step you will sketch in the finishing arched walkway as you see here by adding detailing and definition to the wooden planks. Next sketch in the dividing lines for the river and solid ground as you see here. Add some grass spike   


Once you have finished this tutorial on "how to draw a bridge step by step", your drawing should come out looking like the one you see here. Color it in and you are all done.

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October 18, 2009

Description: Here is a drawing tutorial that can not be found on the internet in an abundant variety, “how to draw a bridge step by step”. Can you believe that there is no good lessons that teach you "how to draw bridges" at all. I mean, you can look for yourself, there really isn’t any at all. There is so many famous bridges out there that I would one day like to see and walk or drive on. The London Bridge which is located in England is one of them, as well as the Brooklyn Bridge which is found in New York and is two hundred seventy two feet high and it was built in 1883, and the Golden Gate Bridge located in San Francisco standing at seven hundred and fifty feet high and built in 1937. Can you guess what bridge listed above is the longest in distance? Well the Brooklyn Bridge is over six thousand feet, but it is the Golden Gate Bridge that wins this time. The famous San Francisco bridge is over eight thousand feet long. Wow, now that is a hike. The bridge that you will learn how to draw, is a simple looking bridge that is commonly seen in parks, and in gardens. This is what you would call a wooden garden bridge, or a wooden walkway. I think that this bridge came out awesome and colorful. It is a perfect bridge to place in some of your garden drawings, or to be used as a walkway for a romantic couple or playing children. Drawing bridges is fun, and I had a good time with this lesson. I hope you guys will like this tutorial on “how to draw a bridge step by step”. I have to go people, but I shall return in a while. Adios amigos and happy drawing!

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