Go ahead and start with the guidelines and shapes. to create Dracula's body and head like you see here. Dracula's character is tall and skinny so be sure to draw a long torso guide shape.
Next, use the facial guides to draw in the shape of Dracula's face structure. You will also need to incorporate his ear too.
Here you will add his hairline, length of his nose and then some cheek bumps. Also add detailing to his ear too.
It's time to draw in Dracula's face. Start with the eyes which as you can see are in an excited pose. When that is done you can draw out his mouth, tongue and fangs.
Now that Dracula's face and head is done, let's move onto his body. Start with the cape collar which is pretty high up the neck and then draw the flaps to the collar where it ties together.
Okay guys, moving on. Draw the shoulders, arms and his torso shape. When that is done you can draw in the cape lining which rests on his shoulders.
Finish up the torso before proceeding on. Draw the vest lining, buttons and collar. And also draw in his belt sash around the waist. You will need to draw the lining for the undershirt too.
The torso is all set, now just draw in his long legs and feet. This is pretty simple and probably the easiest step.
And lastly for the final drawing step all you have to do is draw the rest of the cape and then draw in Dracula's hands. Once that is done add the detailing to the cape and erase the mistakes and all the visible guides you drew in step one.
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April 6, 2018
Description: Okay gang, sorry it took so long for my return, but I had some things to take care of. For my first few lessons today I will be uploading characters from one of my favorite movies 'Hotel Transylvania'. I know I did do tuts on some of the main characters, but they were not done in full body form. Besides, Hotel Transylvania 3 is coming out and I thought some new versions of the old characters would be something I should upload. Plus, I have some new characters that I didn't do before that I think you will like. So, for my first, here is how to draw Dracula from Hotel Transylvania, step by step. He is as you know one of the main characters from the movie and his voice actor is Adam Sandler. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this tutorial I will be back soon with some other characters that you will see in part 3.