How to Draw a Spring Bunny


Let us begin like we always do and that is with some basic shape and guidelines to form the frame for our bunny.


Using the head guide you just made, go ahead and draw the shape of the bunny's face and head along with the long, pulled back ear. Add a cute tuft of hair at the top of the head too.


Next, we will work on getting the face drawn out. Start with the eyes and color them in, then draw the nose, mouth and long whiskers.


All you have to do here is draw in the other ear.


Now you can focus on the upper body beginning with the arms and paws.


Go ahead and draw some of the bunny's belly and then draw the left thigh and foot.


For the last step. all you have to do is draw the back, the other leg and rabbit foot, then the puppy tail. Erase the mistakes if you made any along with the visible guidelines and shapes.


Now that you are all done, you can start coloring in the Spring bunny and even add a nice background. Don't forget to share, love and fav.

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April 12, 2020

Description: Hello everyone and Happy Easter. I hope everyone is having a blessed day, especially considering how a majority of us are spending our Easter Sunday confined to our houses and even away from family. At least we still have the internet and at least I am still able to upload lessons for you all. Here is how to draw a Spring Bunny, step by step. I have so many Easter bunny lessons I just wanted to switch it up and make a tut on a simple precious Spring inspired bunny. I love the way this concept came out and I hope you all have fun learning how to draw the bunny as well. I will be back in a bit with another lesson so stay tuned in.

#how to draw rabbits #how to draw bunnies
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