How to Draw a Breast Cancer Awareness Pumpkin
The first thing we will need to do is draw the shape of a pumpkin. This can be any shape or style of pumpkin you like. Add the indents to the skin of the surface like you see here.
The next thing you will do is draw in the ribbon. Instead of drawing the ribbon whole make it in pieces like so. This is also an awesome concept for pumpkin carving.
Make the pumpkin's eyes. Start with the top lids, then draw the peanut shaped eyes. The flares under the eyes are supposed to be lashes.
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October 13, 2014
Description: I don't know how many of you know, but October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and to celebrate all the hard work to get the message out to educate people on how important it is to get screened and diagnosed, I wanted to make a festive concept that stands for the cause. Here is "how to draw a Breast Cancer Awareness pumpkin", step by step. The ribbon is in the middle and it supposed to be a nose like concept, and the shapes on the sides is the eyes. The concept is simple enough for everyone to tackle, enjoy and draw. So go ahead and make a Breast Cancer Awareness pumpkin for someone you know who battled cancer, or who is still in the progress. Support the fight and have fun doing it. Thanks guys.