Antler Heart, How to Draw

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1 Deer Heart Shape

First, draw the outline of the heart shape so drawing the antlers will be easier since you have a base to sketch around.

2 Left Antler Shape

Then, draw the antler for the left side. If you're left handed, you should probably draw the right side first! Take your time by sketching the shape of the antler first and then use thinner lines to sketch the antler definition.

3 Right Antler Shape

Next, draw the shape of the right antler. This tattoo concept is nearly done!

4 Antler Heart Tattoo Line Art

Lastly, erase the prior guidelines and trace over your drawing with a pen or sharpie. You should end up something like this. I hope you guys have enjoyed this lesson because I had fun making it!

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July 25, 2022

Description: Hey guys! Welcome to another awesome hunting inspired tutorial! Here in Maine, deer hunting season starts in November, and if you think about it, November seems very soon. I figured there's a lot of people and couples who love to hunt together so why not make an antler heart concept expressing just that. This would be a great tattoo for the chest or back, as well as a nice car sticker decal for your back window. Anyways, let's move onto the lesson now and let me know if you liked this concept in the comments below :)

#how to draw hearts #how to draw deer #how to draw antlers #how to draw deers

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