How to Sketch Anime Eyes


It is amazing how anime eyes mimic realistic human eyes so well. You can learn with a few adjustments how to draw anime eyes even looking at a realistic one. Click on this picture to see the named parts of the eye. I would say the differences are ani   


Seems like the anime artists are genius at rendering their character's eyes, always getting the perfect expression. TIP: When you sketch your anime character from reference or out of your head, draw guidelines. That will allow your eyes to line up...   


Pencil is different from brush strokes or calligraphy type pens. When you stroke with a brush, the pressure is stronger at the beginning then lightens. This means there is more ink or paint at the beginning stroke, then the line become thinner as you   


This anime (Peach Girl) is one of the most romantic and challenging "triangle love" story I have seen EVER SEEN (realistic or cartoon). I give it a high tribute and two thumbs up! If you would like to draw their eyes, start at the red guidelines, the   


Combining Sci-Fi with romance & a slice of life was a thorough treat for me in this heart gripping and sweet anime (Please Teacher!). This type of anime is called Shonen, styled with bright and bold colors. Also it is a sci-fi. The young man's eyes a   


Xam'd is one of the most impressive anime I have seen. Being a sci-fi and dealing with mechanical type beings, this is classified as a Mecha. Akiyuki, the boy in the picture, was xam'd by a native. He turns into a weapon, but if not controlled he cou   


Ahhh, one of my top favorites is InuYasha! Love that half dog and human with a full mane of white hair and cute ears. I fell in love with InuYasha's bickering, stubborn ways, and boyish charm. Him and his friend (Kagome in the picture) fell in love.    


Smart, edgy art, and pushing the evelope--that is what makes this more adult anime (Eden of the East) thrilling to watch. This type of anime is called Josei geared toward the late teenager to adult female audience. The protagonist female, Saki, is a    


I'm going to be honest. I have NEVER seen a man this beautiful in my LIFE (cartoon or otherwise). That HAIR blowing and you can see through to his eyes. This should be illegal! I am speaking of Zero Kiryu, the king of EMO! Honey, when his heart pound   


Blood+ is turning out to be amazing and make sure you carry your box of tissues. What is it with these animes that make me cry all the time? Well, this is the handsome Haji and beautiful Saya. I love this intriguing vampire story, which doesn't seem    


We are taking a shortcut in the guidelines. Draw the circle with the intersecting lines for the eyes. The top eye belongs to Hikari, the girl from "Special A Class." The bottom one belongs to the guy, Kei Takishima from the same anime. Sketch with a    


You might need to click on the picture to see where to draw the two lines for the hair spikes and lashes.


Now sketch in the rest of the hair spikes on both pictures.


These steps are broken down so you can concentrate on one type of thing at a time. Sketch lightly in the Iris and catch lights. The eye at the bottom has highlights in the white of the eye. Sketch those in too.


Sketch in Kai's reflection within Hikari's eye. Don't worry about getting the face perfect.


Now draw in Hikari. The guidelines should help you center it with the iris and pupil.


Your drawing may look like this or you might have your own version. At this point, you can color in your picture with a medium of your choice or go on to the next steps for pencil shading.


I didn't want to skip this. The first picture shows how to hold your pencil for Overhand (great for writing & details) and Underhand (great for shading large areas in wide strokes). You can practice tone shading and take it a step further with the To   


Here is how the tools look. I used the 0.7mm 2B mechanical pencil, 9B pencil, tissue, and the blending stump.


Here is the outline done with a 0.7mm mechanical pencil. Look closely and see if your lines look something like this. You can erase if certain areas like the hair spikes or reflections don't line up. Take you kneaded eraser and dab off the shadow out   


The left picture, I used straight lines to shade the skin and hair with the 0.7mm mechanical pencil very lightly. You can use your No.2 pencil (or HB) also. The right picture, I blended the skin area with a tissue (which lightened up the eyebrows and   


The left picture, I sketched in the shading of the reflections. I treated this like it was a whole picture, looking carefully at the reference for tones and likeness. Another thing, I don't draw small. I draw on an A4 (or 8-1/2 by 11) paper size (lik   


Here I added white highlights to the catch lights digitally. I also did this for the white of the eyes (screla). Now you can do this with white pastel, white titanium acrylic or watercolor paint. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on How to Sketch Anim   

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January 13, 2017

Description: Lots of anime drawings are in this tut. Peach Girl, Please Teacher!, Xam'd, Inuyasha, Eden of the East, Vampire Knight, and Blood+ are featured. Also the preview picture features the Special A Class's Hikari and Kei's eyes. You see their mirrored reflection in their eyes. In the beginning I have a couple of tips that might help you to draw anime eyes. I hope you enjoy this tutorial. Please let me know how you feel about it by commenting, faving or clicking on "Love It." Thanks sooo much!

#draw anime #how to draw anime #draw eyes #how to sketch #draw anime eyes #sketching in pencil #art sketches for beginners

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