How to Draw Hedgehog Skull Kid

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1 Guidelines

Let's first sketch lightly the basic guidelines for the skull music kid.

2 Facial Features

Then, let's begin working on his face by starting with the upper jaw and eyes.

3 Facial Features 2

Then, we can draw the lower jaw and the top of the head.

4 Head, Hair and Hat

Let's work on the headphones first, and then the hair. After that, work on his hat LAST. It's much easier to draw it in that order exactly.

5 Arm and Headphones

Next, draw the wire that attaches to the headphones and the hand holding the music device.

6 Shirt and Pants

Lastly, draw his shirt, pants and the skeleton tail!

7 Final Line Art

This is what your end result should resemble. You did great work, nice job!

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April 18, 2020

Description: Here is a series of concept characters that I am thinking about doing. So far I made two of them, one a boy and one a girl. The boy (which is what you see here) is a hedgehog with a pair of headphones on listening to his favorite tunes. The idea came from a mixture of things with one of them being the whole pandemic that we are going through and how kids are asymptomatic and can spread the virus to others without even knowing. Basically being silent infectors that have the potential to kill. Anyways, having said that, here is how to draw hedgehog skull kid, step by step. If you enjoy this concept, let me know in the comments below.

#how to draw skulls #how to draw animal skulls #how to draw hedgehogs

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