Let us begin with drawing the guide of the head for your Hannibal character. Sketch in the facial guidelines, then proceed to step two.
Using that very same guide you just made, sketch out the structure of Hannibal's face. Draw the chin and jawline, then sketch out the ear.
In this step we will carefully begin drawing his very clean, well groomed hairstyle. Add the roots, then you can proceed to step four.
Now we can get busy with the facial features. Draw the nose, and then go ahead to move to step five.
Sketch out the shapes of his eyes like so, and for the left eye you have to lightly draw in the crease or fold from his loose skin tissue that hangs over the lid.
Draw and color in the eyes which is the iris' and pupils. Lightly sketch in the eyebrows, then you can more forward.
Up next, sketch out the mouth or closed lips like so, then add detailing inside of his ears. Add the age marks on the face like under the eyes, around the nose/mouth and along the cheeks and chin.
Hannibal's face is all set. You will now sketch out the shape of his neck, then draw the shoulders, jacket, and some of the opening for his coat.
Add detailing to his tie, then sketch in the flaps to finish off the jacket. Erase all the mistakes and guides then you are done.
Here is the lineare of Hannibal when you are all done. Color him in, and then show off your work to the world. Don't forget to check out the tip step below.
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March 3, 2014
Description: This isn't a lesson that most of you visitors would find as appealing, mainly because the show is so underrated. I will be showing you how to draw the most brilliant criminal mastermind in film history, Hannibal Lecter. He is brilliantly portrayed by Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen. Dark, cold, heartless; the way Hannibal is portrayed in this TV show is nothing short of genius, besides Anthony Hopkins's performance in all 3 movies. At the start of season one, Will Graham meets a therapist who aids him in solving crimes and profiling culprits of the crimes. Behind the scenes, Hannibal has a sick and twisted desire of hacking victims up, and eating select organs. They label the murderer of these brutal crimes 'The Chesapeake Ripper'; an investigation that Will and his co-workers scrutinize. While Hannibal lurks within the shadows, contemplating vast amounts of scenarios to keep himself from being discovered, things get edgy with Will, and soon he slowly becomes aware of Hannibal's quirks. This character is probably one of the few that I absolutely love. I'm so eager to watch every single episode that airs, even if I have to sit through boring advertisements. If you're a huge fan of Mads Mikkelsen or the Hannibal franchise, please watch this show. I know it's nothing like Anthony Hopkins, but it's a very unique twist on an intelligent serial killer. Have fun and I hope you'll enjoy!