How to Draw The Exorcist Easy
Next, you will begin drawing out the intense eyes and make sure that when you do this to add some shading around the eyes for a more fierce stare. Sketch out the shape of the nose, then add the cuts on the bridge of the nose.
Draw the open wounds on her face which is the cheek and chin area, then draw out the wide smiled mouth along with the teeth. Don't forget to add the frown lines and cupids bow above the lip.
Define the shape of Regan's face, then sketch in the bangs for her hair along with the big cut on her forehead.
Lastly, sketch out the shape of her neck, then draw the collar for her shirt. Add the bone on her neck, then detailing on the shirt. Erase your mistakes as well.
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July 20, 2013
Description: Here is my version of Regan from the horibly horrific, fascinating movie 'The Exorcist' in a brand new easy to follow lesson. Up next we will learn "how t o draw the Exorcist" or Regan, step by step. I didn't know what to name this lesson because everyone knows the devil in the movie as Regan, but not everyone will know who Regan is by name. So to end all the questions, I just figured calling this tut drawing the Exorcist would be that much better. Anyways, the other lesson I have on this exact character can also be found. But again, it isn't that good because my artistic skills where still in the improving mode as they still are today. Anyways, have fun drawing this devil who took over the twelve year old body. I will be back later today with other tuts for you all so come back around.