How to Draw Graffiti Peace


Start out by drawing single lined letters in a very primitive manner. You will make the P E A C and E.


Using each single lined letter as your guide and draw the outlined shape of a graffiti style P.


For the E, you will just draw the top portion first and finish the letter in the next step.


Draw the end part of the E like so, then proceed to step five.


Alright, we will now draw the entire shape of the A. Be sure there is a tab on the left from the horizontal line across the A.


We will move forward and draw the top part of the high peak for the letter C.


Finish off the C by drawing a swoop for the bottom of the letter.


Begin the last letter which is the E. This letter will be drawn in a capital style.


Finish your uppercase E and then you can erase the guidelines and maybe mistakes.


You will place the glare lines and then the holes in the letters that need them. You will also add the dimensional look inside those holes.


I'm just showing you how to add the shading under each letter.


Here you will draw in the block detailing under each letter. Shade them in and you are done.


The line art is ready to color in. Use whatever shades you like and whatever background.

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March 10, 2015

Description: Yes, you are seeing right. In light of being asked to make more graffiti lessons I have two for you today. I will begin by showing you a graffiti style that has lots of peaks, curves and contouring. Here is how to draw graffiti peace, step by step. The background image is on a brick wall to make it seem more realistic. I know there are many surfaces that are used for graffiti canvas, but I chose to go with something a bit more traditional. Anyways, have fun and enjoy the tut on drawing graffiti peace.

#draw graffiti #how to draw graffiti words
1 - Super Cool
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