Now you can draw in the V and you notice how it's almost the same shape as the heart, just slender.
As you can see here I've pointed out how these shading blocks should be drawn in and shaded in later.
We will draw in some very simple wings and then draw a hole in the O which is also shaped in the form of a small heart.
Lastly, draw a corner line to the bottom of the V shading block and then draw hearts fluttering around the graffiti tattoo word 'LOVE'. Erase the mistakes, I'm sure there is some clean up to do.
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March 12, 2015
Description: I have a couple more lessons based on graffiti words and I have to say, this one is probably one of my favorites that I have ever drawn. Today, I will be showing you a cool design that can be used as an awesome tattoo concept or even a nice drawing to decorate your paper bag wrapped book cover. This tutorial shows you how to draw a graffiti tattoo, step by step. One of the reasons why I love this drawing is because of the letter style and the colors I chose. I also like the wings and small heart fluttering around the graffiti tattoo design concept. I hope you have fun tackling this tut, I will be back soon with more fun for ya'll.