How to Draw Enchantress From Suicide Squad

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Begin like we always do by drawing the head and torso guides. You will then sketch in the facial guidelines along with the limb guides too.


Next, define the shape of Enchantress' face structure along with the hair strands that flow down the sides of her face. When that is done you can sketch in the cheek bone definition.


Use the facial guidelines to draw in the face. This should be the thick eyebrows, the shapes of her eyes, and then draw in the nose and mouth.


All you have to do here is draw in the crescent shape on the front part of her head like so.


Sketch in the shape of her head which is also her messy hairstyle. Enchantress has long, straight hair that is somewhat layered. There are also long bangs that hang in front of her face like so.


The head and face is already done. You can now sketch in the neck shape followed by the necklaces or chokers around her neck. There are a few so be sure to draw them all.


We will draw in her full figure starting with the shoulders and arms. When that is done draw the chest, waist and belly detailing. Add the netting on her arms as well.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw in the halter style top followed by the bands on the arms that are attached to the arm netting. Add the patch style design and you are all done. Erase the mistakes and guidelines to be finished wit   


Here is the line art for Enchantress when you are all done. Now you can color her in and show folks who you just drew from Suicide Squad.

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July 15, 2015

Description: So the second Suicide Squad character I have for you all is actually another female and she is both sensual and sexual. Up next, we will learn how to draw Enchantress from Suicide Squad, step by step. I don't know too much about Enchantress since she is a character that I have never heard of. I do know that she is being played by actress Cara Delevingne and I think that Warner Bros made a good choice with choosing her for the role. Anyways, Enchantress also has an awesome style. She is dark, enchanting and beautiful. I really want to see the film once it arrives in theaters come 2016. Drawing Enchantress is going to be fun for all you comic book character lovers as well as for folks who happen to be fans of any character from the DC Comics story mags.

#how to draw suicide squad #how to draw suicide squad characters

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