Draw Kawaii Harley Quinn

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Let us first make a circle for the head and then the shape for the body. Once those two pieces are complete you can draw in the guidelines for the face and limbs.


Now that we have all the guides drawn out we can start drawing the features. Begin with drawing her hair which is in a parted bang style in the front. The ponytails or pigtails will come later. Be sure that the hair curls up a bit at the ends.


Define the shape of Harley's face, then draw and color in the eyes and then draw the brows. The eyebrows need to be in a mischievous type expressive pose.


Now you can go ahead and draw in her long pigtails. Notice how they also curl up at the ends.


Let us begin drawing the body. Start with the arms, torso, legs and then her hands and feet. When that is done add the stripe detailing to the jacket.


Go ahead and create shorts by adding the lining on her legs, then give Harley a belt, shirt collar and then some of the neck should also be exposed.


This is the last drawing step. All you need to do is draw in her signature bat. Erase the mistakes and all the guides.


Here is the line art folks. Now you can go ahead and color her in. And that is how you draw a Kawaii version of Harley Quinn.

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April 30, 2017

Description: Friday is soon approching us which means the movie release of 'Suicide Squad' is knocking on our front door. Today I have two lessons that have everything to do with the new comic book film. I will start with this one on how to draw a Kawaii version of Harley Quinn, step by step. She and Joker are probably going to be the two more popular characters of the film. I say this because they are the only ones that made it to the top 50. Anyways, I do hope you enjoy this tut, as you can see all the lessons on Dragoart are now free. Leave your comment or suggestions, I love getting user feedback.

#how to draw batman characters #how to draw suicide squad #how to draw suicide squad characters

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