Up next, draw in the actual body shape of Blobby or Steve. The lining should be rippled like a blob.
Now you can add all the lining to the body so it looks like ripples and folds. He is a massive blob.
Lastly, draw in the pupils and actual eyes. Erase whatever mistakes you made as well as the guidelines.
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April 7, 2018
Description: Okay guys, I am back with another lesson and for the next ones coming your way I will be uploading more characters from Hotel Transylvania. To pick up where I left off, here is how to draw Blobby from Hotel Transylvania, step by step. Blobby is exactly what his name suggests, a blob. He also goes by the name of Steve and he is not a major character, I would say he is a minor character. His characteristics are pretty much the same as other people in the movie. He isn't mean or careless, he is just Blobby. Anyways, this lesson shouldn't be too complex to recreate. All you have to do is follow the steps and color your drawing in. That's it, enjoy the lesson and be sure to comment, fav or love. Adios people.