How to Draw Daryls Wings

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Let's begin with the banner that will hold the first three words. This banner should fork on the ends and have a border on the inside.


We will now draw the bottom banner which is in an upward manner. The same style as the upper banner as the upper banner.


You can now write the words "Fight the dead" fear the living".


Here we will start drawing the top portion of the wings. Start with the bone for the arm of the wings and then fill it in with feathers.


Draw in more of the wings like so and then sketch in the detailing to add texture.


Draw the end parts of the feathers and add detailing as well. Erase the mistakes and all the imperfections that you don't like and proceed to step seven.


Here is the line art for your drawing on Daryl's Wings. Color them in or leave them black and white.

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February 12, 2017

Description: For those of you who watched the series premier of The Walking Dead, this lesson is for you. Today I will start the tutorial day by showing you all how to draw Daryl's Wings, step by step. This is a logo or symbol that has been making strides recently and I know there are folks out there that have been waiting for this image as a lesson. Daryl's wings are actually the wing patches that is sewed on to his leather vest that he wears over his leather jacket. The words "fight the dead fear the living", is actually something that has been said by many members of Rick's gang. I had so much fun drawing these wings and I know you will too. The series premier of The Walking Dead was pretty good, but I can't wait till next week. Thanks for joining me with this tut folks, I shall return with more lessons for you all to enjoy.

#how to draw wings #how to draw the walking dead characters #how to draw the walking dead

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