Drawing L Lawliet

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Let us begin with two shapes. One for the head and the other for the upper body. Sketch in the facial guidelines as well.


Begin drawing the actual structure and shape of L's face. You will also draw in his bangs and some of the hair length.


Continue to work on L's hairstyle and head. This should be in a typical full, wild style.


Next, use the facial guidelines to draw in L's eyes. They are big and thickly lined to give him his signature expression. Once that is done you can draw in the nose and mouth.


Let's start working on the upper body or torso. Draw in the shoulders, arm or sleeve and then draw the neck and front part of the chest. As you can see his shirt is very baggy. It almost looks like a straitjacket.


We will finish L off by drawing the left side of the body and then his bent up legs. Add all the wrinkling to the pants and shirt and then you are all done. Erase the mistakes as well as the guides.


Here's the line art folks. Color in L and when you are done with that you can show off the artwork.

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October 13, 2015

Description: Keeping up with the Death Note themed lessons, today we will be tackling the task of drawing L Lawliet from the very popular manga. So far I have remade Misa and Light and they came out awesome. This body style and pose of L is all my own creation. Of course we know or see L in his infantile fetus state almost all the time. His pale skin, dark hair and sunken in face all helps make a really cool character. I was so obsessed with L when I was really into Death Note. He was my all time favorite figure to draw. I think if you are a Death Note fan you will enjoy drawing L too.

#how to draw death note characters #how to draw death note

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