How to Draw Chibi Typhlosion, Typhlosion

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Start the first step by making a single circle and then draw a face guide too.


Now you will begin drawing out the actual shape of the chibi Pokemon's head, and also include the mouth as well with the same lining. Next and lastly, draw out the pointed ears, and move to step three.


Now that the head is already taken care of, we can focus on getting the body drawn in. Start with behind the head and make the neck line. With the same swoosh, you will also draw out the arm and right hand. Add he left hand and some more of the body    


Draw the explosive like back spikes, and inside of them draw some guides or trim.


For the final drawing step, all you guys have to do is draw out the large slanted eye, and then draw in the eye ball. Next add the marking line on the snout, and across the forehead and down the neck. Draw in a nose line, and tooth.


After you clean up the drawing you should end up with a sketch just like the one you see here on chibi Typhlosion.

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September 9, 2011

Description: Hey guys, Dawn here with another lesson, and this time we'll learn how to draw a very cute Pokemon (well, rendered cute), which is of the fire element. We will be digging in on “how to draw chibi Typhlosion”, step by step. I had fun creating this tutorial, but I find the chibi Snivy to be my favorite Pokemon tut created this week. I've been getting bugged like crazy to do more chibi Pokemon tutorials, and since chibis is my forte, I say “why not?” I really appreciate all the comments ya'll leave me, as I read EVERYONE of them! Sorry for not replying them on sight since I have so much work on my hands, it's almost impossible. With time, I'll reply to them; you can chat with me on Livestream or in the DragoArt private IM box if you'd like. Anyways, let's move onto this tutorial, since lots of you are dying for more of these little buggers. Thanks for viewing and enjoy the tutorial. Don't forget to let me know how you did!

#how to draw chibi pokemon #how to draw chibi pokemon characters

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