How to Draw Chibi Night Fury, Chibi Toothless

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Let's start off by drawing out the shape and position of Toothless's head. When you do this you must also draw in the loopy ears too.


Next, draw the large wide open friendly eyes like so, then draw in the actual eyeballs.


Start under the face and begin drawing out the neck, followed by his chibi sized arms and hands. The hands are just rounded ends with three pointed nails or claws.


Draw in his legs, feet and toes in the form of nails, then you can proceed to step five where you will be even closer to finishing this lesson.


Well here you are on your last drawing step. All you have to do now is draw out the small dragon wings, his tail, then draw in the scales scattered on his head, ear, and body. Erase any mistakes to clean up the drawing.


Finally, you are ready to color in your brand new drawing of a chibi style Night Fury or Toothless.

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July 27, 2012

Description: How about a new tutorial on a very familiar face that we know from the film 'How to Train Your Dragon'? Today I thought it would be nice to once again show you folks "how to draw chibi Night Fury", step by step. People still upload their artworks of this loveable, adorable dragon even though the movie came out a while ago. I guess it's hard ignoring a face that will forever be recognized and loved. Toothless is one of my favorite dragon creations from a movie. I though the animators and CGI people did an awesome job creating this black colored yellow eyed dragon with small teeth. I hope you folks enjoy drawing chibi Night Fury or Toothless as much as I did recreating him in his baby form. I will return with some other cool tuts so try and sty tuned in. Peace folks and happy summer.

#draw dragons #how to draw how to train your dragon #dragon drawing #how to draw how to train your dragon characters #dragon drawings
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