You will now make the dew drop shape of Chowder's face. Once you have drawn his face, make the lining that will create an open smile.
Using the face guide, draw in the big excited looking eyes as well as the pupils. Draw in his small nose, and then make a tooth and tongue.
To draw Chowder's clothes, all you have to do is draw out a regular looking t-shirt. This needs to include his arms and or sleeves, as well as the boxy shaped shoulders.
Lastly, draw out his hands, feet, and raccoon shaped and styled tail. Lastly, draw the marking designs on Chowder's shirt. Erase the guides and mistakes you made along the way.
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August 19, 2011
Description: My other chibi is going to be on a purple figure that is one hundred percent lovable and adorable. Up next, we will explore the task of learning "how to draw chibi Chowder", step by step. This fun loving little guy is just a pile of fluff that is kind to the bone. I fell in love with Chowder the first time I watched the premiere of its first broadcast. All the characters where created so well and they were also very original. I will always like Chowder, and because he is one of my favorite cartoon characters, this lesson on drawing chibi Chowder is going to be fantastic. I hope you have fun everyone, and please let me know what you think by voting, commenting, and faving. Adios people and peace out!