How to Draw an Eye Tattoo, Tattoo Eye

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Make a perfect circle like so, and then draw out a smaller circle inside of the one you just drew. You should end up with an eyeball like so.


Thicken the smaller circle shape for the cornea, and then begin drawing in the sharp, monster like teeth.


Draw out the oval shape for the pupil, and then sketch in some crease lines around the sides of the eyeball, and on the top.


Using the shape you drew in step one, begin sketching out the actual shape of the eyeball. The lining should have some uneven lining to create a creeped out, monstrous look.


Begin sketching out the bulging veins that are scattered around the back of the eyeball. the veins should be thick, and spider like. Be sure that the drawing looks like the you see before you here.


Now draw in the twisted veins that is also the eyeballs stem. This should end up coming to look extremely gruesome. Add detailing to the veins, and erase any visible guides that you drew in step one.


After you shade in the drawing and add some thicker bolder lining, the finished drawing looks like the one you see here. I hope you had fun guys!

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July 16, 2011

Description: Making something look cool and gruesome at the same time can be a little tricky. Even though cool and gruesome is hard to draw, thinking of an easy solution is probably more complex. I have come up with a good idea for a disturbing tattoo design that is going to be easy to replicate, and fun to tackle. With my second kicken tutorial of the day you will learn "how to draw an eye tattoo", step by step. I know that drawing an eyeball is not that exciting, but with this design I made sure to turn a standard looking eyeball into something that you would see as cover art for metal band album covers, or even those older style tattoo designs. Ed Hardy tattoos are some of the more inspirational pieces that I love looking at. Even though the colors are a bit dulled out and the style of the tattoo drawings are a little dated, Ed Hardy is probably one of the most noted tattoo artists of all time. He actually studied the art of tattooing in Japan back in 1973 with tattoo master Horihide. What made Ed Hardy so amazing and well recognized is how he incorporated American tattoo style with Japanese tattoo style. This explains why his dragons, and other fantasy based designs look so amazing and traditional. I myself love Ed Hardy’s work, and I think he is a fantastic artist. This drawing is of an eyeball with a twisted appeal. I drew in some sharp teeth on the actual cornea of the eye, and also drew in some thick veins that spider around the eye, and stem off. If you like weird tattoo art, you will love this lesson on "how to draw an eye tattoo". Thanks for joining me with this amazing lesson, I will be back with some more stuff for you to enjoy real soon. Peace people!

#how to draw eyes #draw eyeballs #how to draw an eyeball

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