How to draw and color an easy realistic eye

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To get started, get a compass and draw a circle on your paper. This will be the pupil. If you don't have a compass, you can make one by standing one pencil upright and tying another one to it at an angle. The pupil HAS to be perfectly circular or it    


Set your compass or makeshift pencil device to make a wider circle and put the iris around the pupil. Just make sure you put the straight leg on the same point you did to draw the pupil or the iris will be lopsided.


For this step, just add the lines where the eyelid would be on the top and bottom. Your eye should now be oval shaped and pointy on both ends. Lightly draw a guideline through the center connecting the points. The eyelids should cover part of the top   


This next steps really easy. Erase where the iris hangs out of the eyelid, then add the tear duct in the corner of the eye. Remember, on the left eye the duct in in the right side, on the right eye, the opposite is true.


Now you'll add the upper eyelid and the lower waterline. You might have to erase the pre-exsisting lines and put the lid where it was. Remember, the eyelid is wide and arched, while the waterline is very thin. They should taper down and sort of hug t   


Add a point of light in the pupil. Add another curved point in the iris, I put mine in the lower right hand corner. Erase the guideline you drew through the middle.You're almost done!


In this step, the coloring begins! First, color the pupil completly black, but leave the point of light you drew white. Don't leave any spots where it looks fuzzy or scratchy. Next,pick a color(blue, green,brown, gray, etc.If you want a more exotic l   


Last step! Take a different shade of what ever color you filled in the iris with, and put a little bit of it in the iris. Most people's eyes have two-three shades of color in them. Brown eyes can be an exception, with one deeper shade,but usually the   

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July 7, 2012

Description: Hi, this is an easy tutorial on how to draw and color eyes,which a lot of people seem to struggle with. There's no shading involved, so don't worry about that.

#how to draw eyes

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