How to Draw an Anime Dog, Anime Dog

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Here is a few different looking faces that you can choose from when drawing out the expression on an anime style dog. The first one to the upper left hand side is a sad dog, the one right below it is happy, and the one to the right is angry.


More examples as shown of anime dogs up front and center for you. As you can see I have three examples, a playing anime dog, a standing version, and one that is sleeping.


dog Here is a set of eyes too. The top row is your standard or typical looking friendly style eyes, and on the bottom there is an example of how evil style anime dog eyes should or would look like.


Start with three circles that are almost the same size. The head shape is probably the bigger of the three. They should all connect like so, and then draw out a facial guide in the middle.


Using the facial guidelines you drew in step four, you will start drawing out the arched eyelids like so, and then draw out the snout, heart shaped nose, and the great big smile. Notice how the lids lines are thicker or bolder.


Draw out the shape of the eyeball, and then draw in the eyebrows. You will then draw out the shape of the bottom jaw, and then draw in the tongue which is hanging off to the left.


You will now begin sketching out the actual shape of the dog's head starting with the mid section, and then from there draw out the German shepherd style ears. Sketch in the hair inside of the ears, and then draw out the fluffy cheeks.


You will now draw out the collar and then draw in the holes for each notched setting.


It's now time to draw out the body of this anime animal, and then you will be one step closer to the end. Sketch out the chest, and one front leg like so and some of the belly. When you are drawing out the anime dogs body make sure that you use a jag   


Finish drawing out the dogs legs and then the big paws. I wanted to draw big paws because this is supposed to be a bg boned dog.


Now you are going to finish your dog's body and then when you're done you can move to step twelve. Continue to draw out the back, butt, and both hind legs. As you can see this anime dog has a very hearty look.


To finish off your pooch just draw out the tail, and then start erasing the lines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up doggies look and prepare him for color.


Here is what the dog looks like when you are all done. Choose your colors and then begin coloring in your new anime dog.

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July 18, 2011

Description: Every once in a while I will get a request based on an anime character or animal. When I can, I will fill requests as they come in and put them in order. If there is something that I think almost everyone on the site will enjoy, I will tackle a request right away. Today you will be surprised because this lesson is on "how to draw an anime dog", step by step. Anime animals are really fun to draw because they have so many different expressions that can be drawn on their faces. Anime animals are also slightly different looking then your typical cartoon style creation. They have wider eyes, simple bright colors, and a very Japanese look. This drawing of an anime dog is going to be super fun to try out because along with the tutorial, I also include some helpful tips and examples that will help make this lesson so much easier to understand. Of course you can turn your male dog into a gal, just by making the collar a bit thinner, and adding lashes to those big bright eyes. You might also want to draw a slender body if your anime dog is a female, but other than that you should be good to go. I will try and get back soon with some more drawing fun but if I don’t I hope you enjoyed your drawing day!

#how to draw dogs #how to draw anime dogs

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