How to Draw a Skull Tattoo, Skull Tattoo

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You will begin by drawing the head shape which is a basic circle. Draw the shape of the chin, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Using what you just made, draw out the shape of the skull head which seems to slant back a bit. Draw the prominent cheek bones like so, then proceed to step three.


We will now tackle the task of drawing the upper jaw along with the row of teeth. As you can see the shape of the upper mandible is crescent shaped. You will draw in each tooth the way you see them here, or go for your own style.


You will want to take your time with this task because you have to draw out the shapes of the eye sockets, as well as the sharp shape of the nose. Notice that the nose style lifts up a bit from the face of the skull. This is to add dramatic effects   


Almost done folks. All you need to do now is draw out the bottom jaw or mandible like so, along with the row of teeth. As you can see the mouth is in a screaming pose which means you will need to make sure there are angles and edges.


Lastly, draw the skin tissue that is pulling or ripping away from a body. There should be holes, stretched and torn skin, as well as broken flesh. Be creative so you end up with the ultimate design for tattoo skull art. Erase the mistakes and guides    


Here is your finished drawing when you are all done. Now all you have to do is color in your work, then show it off. Great job folks.

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March 1, 2013

Description: Hey again folks, I'm back after going away for a few hours. Here is the rest of my lessons, and to start the end of the day I will show you "how to draw a skull tattoo", step by step. I know I have drawn plenty of skull art in the past but I never tackled a concept that had a skull ripping out from flesh. I really like the way that this skull drawing came out and I'm pretty sure that you folks will enjoy this tut too. There really isn't much more I can say since I have made so many skull designs in the past. All I can do now is let you have your way with this submission, and prepare my next. Until next time people.

#draw skulls

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