Draw a few guidelines to know at all time in which direction the hair grows . These are very important , it give the hair a very realistic feel .
The next steps will be very time consuming because you have to cover a pretty large area in hair, it's not particularly hard to do, it just takes a lot of time and patience . This is just my second time drawing short hair, so we're not very far apart
The same technique is used on this, the only thing that differs is the length of the lines . This is why it's so time consuming, short hair=longer time , long hair=shorter time .
Ok, once you figured out how to draw fur, begin with the eyes .If you notice there are smudged parts, those are there to remind me where the darker hair is in the more important zones .
Now, make 3 layers on the nose . A black one, a medium grey one and a light grey one. This is the foundation on which you will add the details .
What I did was start from two points and slowly connecting them ,trust me, it's a lot easier this way.
Now make the inside of the mouth, don't leave the back teeth completely white, add a very light layer of grey over them .
This part was a bit tricky because the hair grows in a strange way here, and I was a bit confused . It grows in an S shape , so remember that while doing this .
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August 8, 2013
Description: Hello, this is a tutorial on how to draw a rottweiler .In case you haven't noticed, rottweilers are dogs . Big strong massive dogs capable of serious damage. They are used by the police , because they're smart and bulky, which means they can carry things . I love these dogs , and if you do too , I hope you find this tutorial helpful .