How to Draw a Love Heart, Love Heart

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The first thing that needs to be done is drawing out a heart shape like so. You can choose to make any style heart; skinny, long, chubby, fat, wide, short, or what have you.


Using the shape you just made, sketch out the rugged shape of your heart shape. As you can see the heart almost looks like a rock with a chiseled point.


Next, begin drawing out the hole in the center of the heart. The edging for the hole should be rough and lumpy. There should also be a seam of stitches at the base of the heart going towards the point.


This is where I got the idea for a bare boned heart. The bones in the center that are exposed should be drawn the very same way you did the other heart bone you tackled, if you did tackle it I mean.


Add all sorts of marks and imperfections on the surface of the heart. This is to show damage done from a broken relationship or loss. Erase the mistakes then you're done.


This is the line art when you are finished. Color it in then that's it.

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February 21, 2013

Description: This next tutorial is going to be fun. I've decided to do two tutorials that of macabre nature. In this tutorial, I'll be showing you a simplistic way on "how to draw a love heart", step by step. It's kind of a contradiction between a 'love heart' and a rib-cage within the heart. You're probably expecting a cutesy drawing with an arrow through it. This drawing symbolizes what love can do to someone, kinda tearing your insides. This drawing shows just that. If you're going to draw this, make sure you have a few papers ready, as well as a sharpened pencil. I had fun working on this tutorial and I know you guys will enjoy it. If any of you have suggestions, leave them in the comments below! Peace and love, everyone!

#how to draw hearts

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