drawing a Tribal Heart

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First step is to create some lines as a base. I drew a vertical line 5" long down the middle of the page, and then draw horizontal lines 5" across 1" below the top of the vertical line and another one 2.5" below the top of the vertical line.


Sketch a rounded heart using the base lines as a reference. Sketch lightly and erase and redraw as needed till your satisfied with the shape.


Here we'll work the tribal for the upper right portion of the heart. Refer to the base lines when sketching to ensure you get proper proportion and size. Sketch lightly and erase as needed.


For this step we'll work the lower portion of the heart. Remember to sketch lightly and remember to keep your angles sharp and your curves smooth.


Here we'll work the upper left portion of the heart. Again use the base lines as a reference and the tribal you've completed as a reference. Keep reworking anything your not satisfied with on this step as it is the last step chance to fix any mistake   


Almost finished! For this step you want to break out a fine point marker or a sharpened colored pencil. Before starting carefully erase any mistakes and your guide lines. When this is done, go over your tribal, darkening the lines. Keep your hand ste   


For your final step, you can choose to thicken your lines, leaving some white in your tribal, choose to fill in the tribal with your favorite color, or fill in the tribal black. Choose how best to make it "your style". I hope you enjoyed this tutoria   

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March 22, 2013

Description: I uploaded a tribal heart to my gallery a few days ago, and it immediately made its way to the "top 50" and has been working its way up since. Since it has gotten such popularity, i decided to make a tutorial for those of you who would like to attempt it. Its fairly easy if a little time consuming and i hope you enjoy :)

#how to draw hearts

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