How to Draw a Heart Muscle, Heart Muscle

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We always need a base shape for the guide of the person or object you are drawing. In this case it's a heart, so draw a heart shaped guide.


Using the guide of the heart, begin sketching out the tattered edges of a heart that will later be the muscle shaped heart.


You will now begin drawing the torn strands of skin, as well as the cartilage tendons that seem to wrap the heart in its dense muscle form.


Slowly begin drawing the fibrous muscle tissue like so. I would start from one section and move across the image instead of an up down motion. It will be a lot easier to move side to side because you can align the muscle tissue easier. With each main   


Lastly, begin to draw out the human flesh as it is torn, ripped and pulled apart. The hanging skin below the heart's point should be detailed accordingly. Add more holes and definition, then erase the mistakes you made.


Here is what your drawing looks like when you are done. Do as you will with this concept and tweak it to your liking.

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February 23, 2013

Description: Drawing hearts can often lead you to become infatuated with the idea for a while. That is why I have this lesson on another tattoo style heart called “how to draw a heart muscle", step by step. I didn't know what else to name this tut because it is obviously a heart that has the texture and look of a muscle. The torn skin and tendons across the muscle makes this concept drawing of a heart look almost realistic. This is how I picture a heart would look beneath the surface. Of course I'm speaking on imaginative terms. Although drawing a heart muscle may look complicated, I assure you, there will be no way that you won't succeed because all you have to do is follow the steps. You can design this heart any way you like. I won't be back because that does it for me for at least a few hours. I shall return later in the pm. Peace folks and remember, no matter where the day takes you, at least it takes you to another living day.

#how to draw hearts

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