How to Draw a Halloween Bat For Kids

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Make a small circle that has some empty spots along the chin line.


Next, draw in the large pointed ears like so, then draw in the simple shaped bat feet with three pointed toes.


You will now draw in the bat wings. Notice how the notch in the wing's design unifies with the shapes of the bat's ears.


Add the detailing to the wings, then the ears. You will also need to draw out the eyes, followed by the nose, and mouth. Don't forget to add the fangs, and to erase the mistakes and guides.


Here is how your Halloween bat looks when you are all done. Now you can enjoy the task of coloring it in.

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October 8, 2012

Description: You have witnessed the lesson of the Halloween cat, so now try out this tutorial on "how to draw a Halloween bat", step by step. The bat is also a very popular animal that has a history for representing Halloween. Since Dracula was the first to associate the bat being Dracula in animal form, the vampire bat has since been linked to Dracula. The bat can be a complex animal species to draw, but since we are getting lessons on drawing Halloween stuff, I wanted to make sure that anyone can tackle this tut on drawing a Halloween bat. You may not like the concept and if you don't that's fine. My suggestion to you would be to tweak what you don't like, and create something that you love. I hope you enjoy this submission folks. I will return like always with more drawing fun. Peace out people and may the dark side stay away from you!

#how to draw bats #bat drawing #bat drawings
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