We will begin by making our guidelines and shapes. For this angel you will need three shapes for the body; the head, torso and hips. Next, draw in the arched lines for the wings.
What you will do next is draw the shape of her head, then sketch out the beginning parts of the face which is the long straight hair that falls in front of her face. Her hair will be in long layers so be sure to draw in the strands on the sides.
You will sketch out the rest of her long semi curly hair which comes to a soft point at the ends. Add another layer like so, then sketch in some detailing to her hair where that bangs are.
Now we will work on her body. Draw in the shoulders, then sketch out the arms. As you can see the left arm is folded up into her hair, and the right arm is hidden behind her back. The shape of her body should be soft and curvy.
Here you will continue to body shape and lining by sketching out the waist, hip and then the full shape of her leg from thigh to toe. The lining should be one, add some detailing to the ankle and add some simple lines to create the toes.
Next, we will finish the body form by sketching out her right leg from hip to toe, then add some nice contouring.
Sketch out her wing starting with the top arch. The wing shape should start at the shoulder line. The feathers will be added in the next step.
Continue to work on the first wing by sketching out the end feathers. These feathers should be pointed then tapper off to a smoother, straight lined look.
Start the second wing which is the one to the right. Tackle this wing the same way you did the left.
Finish drawing the wing, then you end up with a complete angel in flight. Erase the mistakes and guides, then you're finished.
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June 11, 2014
Description: I have so many lessons that needs to go up but I will start with this one. The idea for this tutorial came about when I saw the falling angel in the top 50 holding the number four spot. I thought folks would enjoy learning "how to draw a flying angel" as well so that's what I did. As you can see it is the same angel that was falling to earth. I decided to give her another story to show her in flight as she is on her way back to heaven as she was forgiven by God because of her forever loyalty and love. I love how her long black hair covers all the nudity on her body. To me angels don't wear clothes because when God created man, he made them without clothes as man had to knowledge of right and wrong. Angels are brought back to heaven after death the way God created the human being in the beginning of time. In his Kingdom there is no need to hide yourself because all you know as an angel is love. That's why in the movies and books when angels come down from heaven they are always nude. Anyways, have fun with this tutorial folks, I love how it came out, and I know you will enjoy drawing a flying angel.