How to Draw a Flamingo Tattoo

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The flamingo birds are going to be drawn from the side and they will form a head when finished. Make the long neck lines like so, then draw in two small circles for the head guides.


Flamingo's have long beaks that are hearty. You will draw the first flamingo beak and make sure that the lining is straight, but starts to cup at the bottom.


You will now draw in the other beak the very same way you did the first one. When that is done move to the next drawing step.


The beaks are done. You will now focus on drawing the head, and then the long neck. The flamingo has a semi thick neck and they are almost just as long as a swans neck.


Draw in the head and neck of the other flamingo like so, and make sure the necks form a heart shape when drawn together.


Okay, the faces are next. Start by drawing small beady eyes, then color in a tiny pupil. Sketch out the wrinkled skin that forms from the eye, and spreads just above the top of the beak. Draw in the line to make the top and bottom portion of the beak   


For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw in the same exact facial features to the second flamingo as you did previously. Remember to keep the aspect of the flamingo face aligned with one another because you want to make the flamingos look   


Here it is. A beautiful drawing of two flamingos in love. Now you can color both them in, or use the design for your next tattoo.

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February 18, 2013

Description: Enough with the kiddie stuff for a sec it’s time to tackle another lesson on a tattoo design featuring flamingos. Here is "how to draw a flamingo tattoo", step by step. What better way to make this type of tattoo art but in the form of love. Everyone knows that flamingos are a sign of love and I don’t know if it’s because of their color, or if it’s because of their delicate build. I love these birds, but unfortunately not enough art is made using these unique vibrant colored animals. I for one don’t draw flamingos enough but I am going to start trying to make more art using the pink flamingo. Anyways, I do think that you will enjoy drawing a flamingo tattoo especially because of the vibrant pink and purple colors I used. I will be back with more fun for you all so stay tuned in. Adios mi amigos!

#how to draw flamingos

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