How to Draw a Christmas Dog, Christmas Dog

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Draw out two circles, one for the head and obviously another for the body. Connect them with a neck line and then draw in the facial guide.


Take your time as you begin sketching out the front part of the dog's face which is the snout and mouth first. Next, sketch in the cheek or jaw line as well as some of the face where the eyes will go.


Next, begin sketching out the Santa style hat and as you can see it is loose and hanging in the back. Draw in the puffy tip at the end of the hat like so, and then draw in the ears which are long because as you know German shepherds have big batty lo   


Next, using the face guide draw out the shapes of the two eyes like so and be sure that the top lids are dark or bold. Draw in the nose tip as well as some of the mouth which will make the dog look like he is about to speak.


Now you will go even further because it's time to sketch the shape of the neck. German shepherds have thick necks so be sure not to make yours too skinny. Once the neck is all set, draw in the collar as well as the mistletoe leaves and bell. Sketch i   


Oh look at that, all you have to do is draw in the rest of the legs and be sure to draw the paws and toes too. Shepherds also have big paws because they are a large breed dog.


Look at that guys, this is your last drawing step. As you can see you will compete the back lining and then draw the hind leg and big back paws or feet. Be sure to also draw in the padding on the toes and heel, and then draw in the puffy tail. Erase    


If you followed instructions correctly, your drawing of a Christmas dog should come out looking as clean as the one you see here. Notice how easy it is to color a well cleaned up sketch. When you are done with the coloring, be sure to show off what y   

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November 30, 2011

Description: Awe, isn't this pooch just absolutely darling? Well, I have one more Christmas related lesson to show you guys how to tackle and believe me I had a hard time figuring out how I was going to make a dog dressed in holiday gear. There have been so many people who asked me to make a tutorial on "how to draw a Christmas dog", step by step. A few said they wanted to draw a dog with a Santa hat on to use for a Christmas card that they wanted to make for a friend and loved one. Once I read that I knew I had to go ahead and fill the need, or want I should say, for a Christmas dog. Now no one said what kind of dog they wanted, so I went ahead and turned a German shepherd into a pretty pooch with a red and white striped collar on. As you can see there is a little mistletoe attached to the collar which means no matter if you like dogs or not, you have to give this hound a kiss. Of course I have German shepherds that are predominately black, but the female I've got is bicolor which means she has some tan inside of her ears, cheeks, and legs. Oh yea...she also has a tan behind under her tail which is incredibly annoying because I feel like I'm looking at a deer's butt. Anyways, this doggie is sitting patiently as can be just waiting for you to get busy. So go ahead and learn the ropes to drawing a Christmas dog. You can choose to turn your breed into a lab, retriever, or what have you. Peace people and I hope you enjoy!

#how to draw dogs #draw dogs #how to draw german shepherds #draw cartoon dog

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