Ok folks, to get basic, we must plant our foundation which are these guidelines. Make sure to get yourself a ruler or compass for perfect circles and lines. Drive swift strokes in order to create nice curves.
Next, we must work on the entire shape of the face since it is very important. Make sure you get the very curves that shape this bird's face. Drawing the face accurately will create a pleasing looking Chocobo.
Then, we shall start working on filling in some essential details to the face. Draw the beak, which takes up the whole mid section of the lower jaw. Take your time while you draw this since things can get hasty.
Next, draw hooped curves for the eyes. Take your time with this as well. To get best curves, draw them swiftly, but make sure you try your best to achieve nice looking curves.
Now, it's time to add the crown feathers to give this Chocobo it's real look. See how cute our creature looks so far?
Now that we're completely finished with drawing the head, it's time to move onto the body. Let's take our pencils and start drawing the left side of the chest, and then work our way to the three simple defining lines for the wing.
Next, it's time to draw the left wing and the lower part of the body which will support the legs. Then, we must move onto the tail feathers which are simple large shapes, curving inwards.
Let's move onto the feet, which are a bit complex compared to what we've drawn recently. Take your time and draw each individual toe with large open spaces for the claws.
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February 10, 2011
Description: Hello once again everyone and welcome back to another lesson on Dragoart.com. Today I will be teaching you how to draw a chocobo, step by step. Even though the name for this particular lesson may seem odd, it is in fact an animal from the Final Fantasy game series. These birds like creatures play a big part in the game series. They are first seen in early Final Fantasy games like FFII and from there they have made a name for themselves. Chocobo’s are mainly used for transportation as you travel through the terrains of the Final Fantasy world. They are very simple looking avian mounting race that helps speeds up the travel time as you walk from one place to the other. A member did a chibi tutorial on the bird and that came out pretty cool. This lesson is going to show you how to draw a chocobo just by using a few steps. I know this lesson is pretty short but I am stretched for time. I will be back however and with my return I will have more drawing fun in store for you all. Peace out people!